It can be tough to be a woman—especially in the workplace. Luckily, there are powerful ladies everywhere who are paving the way for female leadership roles and shattering the glass ceiling. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made her mark, at the top of this list.

Alexandria is the youngest woman to be elected into Congress, but what’s even more impressive is her ability to challenge the status quo. With determination, she’s not afraid to fight for what she believes in if it helps leave the world a better place. She’s both authentic and honest, all the while not forgetting where she comes from, which is why so many people look up to her and relate.

As a role model and public servant, Alexandria has taught us what it truly means to be a powerful woman. From being authentically yourself to sticking up for what’s right, Hola gathered 10 life lessons from AOC that are sure to inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

10 Life Lessons from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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