best facebook groups

I’m a big believer in the idea that we should focus on collaboration, not competition. And Facebook groups are a great place to collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs and marketers to share ideas, get feedback, and help each other grow.

With hundreds of Facebook groups out there, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth your time, and which ones you should skip. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of the best Facebook groups based on the quality of their posts and the group’s activity level. (After all, you don’t want to be in a group where no one answers your questions!)

11 Best Facebook Groups for Marketers and Entrepreneurs

Below are my top 11 best Facebook groups for marketers and entrepreneurs. Most of these groups are closed, which means you have to request to join them and then be accepted by an admin.

Though this delays your entry, it also ensures that the admins keep out spam, only accept relevant members, and keep the group valuable for you.

These Facebook groups range in size, but all have frequent, valuable posts and comments from members, and are great resources for anyone looking to scale their business or improve their marketing skills.

1. Mod Agency Insiders

First, I of course have to include my Facebook group, Mod Agency Insiders. We started this group a little over a year ago for marketing entrepreneurs looking to grow their businesses, and have since grown to over 2,500 members from all over the world.

I’m in there every day sharing my tips and advice for agency owners, from how they can generate leads on LinkedIn to my favorite SEO tools. And over half of our members are active each month (a rarity for many Facebook groups!), sharing their goals, wins, questions, and feedback.

Apply to join my free Facebook group, Mod Agency Insiders, today!

Best Facebook groups Mod Agency Insiders

2. Badass Marketers and Founders (BAMF)

Co-founded by growth hackers Josh Fechter and Houston Golden, Badass Marketers and Founders (BAMF) is a group of nearly 20,000 members who share “cutting-edge tactics and strategies.”

Josh shares content nearly every day, and each piece is super valuable, from cold emails to B2B prospecting and more. He also frequently hosts Facebook Lives with founders from a variety of industries, perfect for any agency owner looking to grow.

Join Badass Marketers and Founders (BAMF) here.

3. Coffee with Dan

This group is a bit risque, but that’s all part of the brand founder Dan Meredith has created. In Coffee with Dan, the focus is on “DOING THE WORK to GET SHIT DONE.” Members frequently share their business growth tips, and Dan is in there often as well, sharing his wins, his failures, and how entrepreneurs can learn from both to grow their business.

Join Coffee with Dan here.

[clickToTweet tweet=”I’m a big believer in the idea that we should focus on collaboration, not competition. And #Facebook groups are a great place to collaborate with fellow #entrepreneurs and marketers, says @MandyMcEwen” quote=”I’m a big believer in the idea that we should focus on collaboration, not competition. And Facebook groups are a great place to collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs and marketers.” theme=”style3″]

4. Traffic and Copy

Traffic and Copy is another growth hacking group, founded by two entrepreneurs: Vin Clancy and Charlie Price. This Facebook group has grown fast, but admins have reduced membership down to 10,000 to limit spam by kicking out inactive members – meaning you know you’ll find value in the posts.

Vin and Charlie both post frequently, sharing actionable advice you can put into practice right away to grow your business. According to them, the group focuses on:

  • Social media growth hacking
  • Selling your services
  • Cold email
  • Growth hacking software
  • Landing pages

Join Traffic and Copy here.

Traffic and Copy Best Facebook Groups

5. Digital Agency Owner Insiders

If you’re a member of Mod Agency Insiders, then you know the founder of this Facebook group: agency growth expert Jason Swenk, a friend and colleague of mine who has joined me several times for Facebook Lives inside my Facebook group.

With Jason having helped over 20,000 agencies in 42 countries, his group Digital Agency Owner Insiders is all about helping agency owners navigate the various challenges that come with scaling a remote agency, from prospecting to hiring and more.

Join Digital Agency Owner Insiders here.

You can see a snippet of one of Jason’s previous Facebook Lives with me in Mod Agency Insiders here:

6. Social Media and Marketing Jobs

If you’re looking to hire a freelancer for your remote agency, are a Virtual Assistant looking for a part-time gig, or maybe even want a full-time marketing job, this is the Facebook group for you. They also have Facebook groups for PR, Developers, and UX/Graphic Design, so you’re sure to find whatever you’re looking for here!

Join Social Media and Marketing Jobs here.

7. The Official Market Hero #Nation Group

Market Hero is an “email automation and sales tracking tool.” The company founded this Facebook group for marketers to share strategies, software suggestions, questions, and more. The Facebook group tends to focus on e-commerce, and its founders often share advice on email marketing and sales.

Join The Official Market Hero #Nation Group here.

Best Facebook Groups Hero Nation

8. ClickFunnels group

Another group founded by a company, ClickFunnels is a popular tool for entrepreneurs that helps you build sales funnels that convert. This group is great for anyone who wants feedback on their funnel, has a question about sales tactics, or who is having trouble using the software. Though many members are ClickFunnels users, buying the software is not a prerequisite for joining the group.

Join the ClickFunnels Facebook Group here.

9. Market Like a Nerd

Entrepreneur Amanda Goldman-Petri founded this Facebook group, named after her company, Market Like a Nerd. Designed for the overachiever, this group is all about getting more done in less time by learning the tips and tricks that will help you scale your business fast.

Join Market Like a Nerd here.

10. Superstar SEO

Superstar SEO is another group founded by my friend and colleague, SEO expert Chris M. Walker. If you offer SEO services to your clients or are looking to improve your own SEO efforts, this is one of the best Facebook groups for you. Plus, Chris frequently highlights services from group members and hosts Facebook Lives with marketing experts, making this a great resource for remote agency owners.

Join Superstar SEO here.

11. Savvy Business Owners with Heather Crabtree

One of the best Facebook groups founded by a woman – and one of the few! – Savvy Business Owners with Heather Crabtree was designed specifically for female entrepreneurs. Whether you’re just starting out or want advice on taking your business to the next level, this super-active group of marketing entrepreneurs will help answer your most pressing questions and offer you the insights you need to grow.

Join Savvy Business Owners with Heather Crabtree here.

Land Your Dream Client for Your Remote Agency

These Facebook groups will all help you optimize your website, improve your lead generation efforts, and find your ideal clients. But once you find that dream lead, you need a proposal template that will wow them – and turn them into a recurring client.

My free Digital Marketing Audit & Strategy Proposal Template will help you land those 6-figure projects again and again. Download yours today!

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