Remote Business Owner Testimonial

If you’re trying to scale a remote business on your own, it can often feel like you’re shooting in the dark.

That’s why I created Remote Agency Society, my monthly membership for remote business owners. For only $49/mo, members get access to my proven agency growth resources (straight from the Mod Girl vault), weekly Facebook Live training sessions (inside our exclusive Facebook group), and 24/7 support from the Mod Girl team and me.

Discover how these weekly Facebook Live training sessions helped RAS member Simon scale his remote business below.

Niching Down Helped Remote Business Owner Simon Land New Clients

Simon Cripps, owner of the digital marketing agency Smart Cow Marketing, joined Remote Agency Society to get the resources and support he needed to scale his remote business.

Every month, I invite one lucky RAS member to join me for a special “Hot Seat,” where they get 1-on-1 advice from me (and feedback from their fellow RAS members!). See what Simon said about the experience during his “Hot Seat” Facebook Live below:

One lesson I shared with Simon? If you can focus on a niche and you talk to them and speak to their pain points and use their language, you’re going to get leads and clients much faster.

He applied this strategy to his LinkedIn profile, which I then reviewed during another Facebook Live. In no time, he was able to begin landing his dream clients as a result of niching down.

In addition to my personalized feedback, Simon got some great tips on scaling his remote business from his fellow Remote Agency Society members. Afterward, he shared this quick video in our Facebook group. Watch it now to see what value he got out of being on the “Hot Seat”!

Seeing Real Results From Weekly Facebook Live Training Sessions

It’s not just when he was on the “Hot Seat” that Simon found value in our weekly Facebook Lives.

He commented in our exclusive Facebook group to share how my advice helped him significantly improve his LinkedIn profile – which later led to him actually missing one of our Facebook Live training sessions, as he had a dinner with his ideal prospects at the same time!

Simon Remote Agency Society Testimonial

Remote Business Owner

These weekly training sessions give you the chance to ask me questions about your unique remote business needs and goals, so you can see real results fast. And these weekly Facebook Lives are just one part of Remote Agency Society.

Get The #1 Resource for Creating the Remote Agency of Your Dreams

In Remote Agency Society, you get the proven resources, personalized coaching, and 24/7 support you need to scale your remote business.

Enrollment is currently closed, but you can join the waitlist to be the first to know when we are accepting new members to Remote Agency Society!

Remote Agency Society waitlist