Website Redesign

Thinking about a website redesign to kick off the New Year with a new face for your business? Consumers have confirmed the importance of a well-designed B2B website time and time again. In fact, 75% of website users admit to making a judgement about the company’s credibility based on their website design.

top reasons redesign your website

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Having a well-designed, mobile-friendly, easy to navigate website is a must for business owners today. Discover 8 common reasons why you might need a website redesign below.

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8 Reasons Your B2B Website Needs a Redesign:

1. Your website isn’t as responsive as it could be.

People have certain expectations when arriving at your site. They want to navigate from page to page instantaneously. They want to find the information they’re looking for at a glance. They don’t want to have to download a lot of information, watch endless videos, or sort through overly wordy content.

Bigger is not always better. Are all those fancy scripts, textures, images, and videos costing you in responsiveness?

One of the top reasons why consumers leave a website is because the content takes too long to load. If your site is too slow, it’s time for a redesign.

Website Redesign Content Responsiveness

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2. Visitors are bouncing off certain pages at an alarming rate.

Analytics should be at the core of your website design strategy. If you don’t have a program calculating valuable statistics then you have paid money for a website that won’t help your business grow.

You want to collect the following data, at a minimum:

  • – How many people are coming to your site
  • – Where they are coming from
  • – How long they are staying
  • – Where they are going when they leave your page

Analytics will let you know how well your website is performing. One key number to look for? If you see that visitors are clicking on your site and leaving just as quickly, it could be a sign that you are targeting the wrong keywords, your website is not user-friendly, your site is lacking information, or you aren’t focusing on the right marketing message.

website redesign reasons

3. You have no control over your existing site.

A lot of our clients at Mod Girl Marketing share a similar story: they hired a web designer on the cheap, they set up a decent-looking site, they were willing to make a few early modifications, and then they became unavailable — leaving the website owners with a page they couldn’t update or change in any way.

That was common in the old days of web design, when the site architects were the only ones who could tinker with the site. Nowadays, there are many user-friendly Content Management Systems like WordPress that allow business owners the ability to access the site to make real-time updates to blogs or web content — without any experience in coding or other technical aspects of website design.

4. Your site is not generating leads for your business.

Not all websites are meant to sell anything online. However, just because you don’t sell products on your website doesn’t mean it shouldn’t generate leads for you!

Some ways your B2B website can help you generate leads include:

  • – Capturing visitors’ contact information for the sales team to follow up later
  • – Encouraging visitors to learn more about your company
  • – Inviting visitors to follow your company on social media
  • – Asking visitors for feedback
  • – Providing a spot for visitors to ask questions
  • – Answering common questions

Check out these 5 steps to help you design your website for conversions.

5. Your site isn’t optimized for mobile users.

In 2018, 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones, up from 50.3% in the previous year. With usage increasing every single year, there is no doubt that businesses need to include a mobile-friendly version of the site for people on smartphones and tablets.

Mobile visitors want quick, easy access to information. In fact, 78% of smartphone owners and 75% of tablet owners consider the “look and feel” of a company’s mobile website when considering whether or not to purchase from it. Furthermore, 44% of people said they would never go back to a site if it didn’t perform well and 52% said they would not return often, with 1 in 3 people saying they would go to a competitor if they had a poor mobile app experience.

Website Redesign Mobile Devices

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6. You’re thinking, “What security updates?”

Websites with outdated code or old content management systems are sitting ducks for computer viruses and hackers. Languages and CMS are updated constantly to eliminate vulnerabilities, so if you’re in the dark about when your last update was, it’s probably time for a website redesign!

At the very least, websites should be updated to the latest CMS version every year. If your website is built using the WordPress CMS, history shows a major release happens every few months. It’s important to stay on top of these updates to decrease vulnerabilities from hackers. Custom-programmed sites need to be adjusted with every major release for the language the site is coded in. The web host should have the proper versions installed on the server.

7. Your site lacks organization.

One more sign you need a website redesign? If your site has been put together piecemeal. You may have started small and began tacking on plugins, blogs, and flashy features with little thought about the organization or sensible navigation. Users should know just where to find the information they need on your site and should be moved logically from point A to point B.

8. Your search engine traffic is not where it should be.

Search engines like websites that have continually updated content, proper modern coding, and more information than images. If your website languishes in virtual obscurity, there may be a few subtle tweaks that could bring your website to the attention of Google and other search engines.

With fresh content and an appealing design, you can not only bring visitors your way, but make them feel satisfied enough to stick around a while so you can make a good impression on them — and convert them into clients!

Is It Time for a Website Redesign?

If you found yourself resonating with any of the reasons above, you may be in need of a website redesign. Contact Mod Girl Marketing now to find out how we can help you get a website you can be proud of that helps you grow your business.

Contact Mod Girl website redesign

Updated November 29, 2018