Healthcare Email Marketing

At Mod Girl, we field a number of requests from successful healthcare professionals who have great offline success, but online efforts that fall short of their expectations. They have heard about using healthcare email marketing with automation software to put some of their day-to-day marketing tasks on autopilot, but they’re not sure how to get started.

We help plastic surgeons and healthcare companies identify their needs and select the right healthcare email marketing provider, in addition to providing consulting for the development and maintenance of growth strategies. The right email automation strategy can help your practice with lead generation, conversion, relationship management, and more.

Discover 8 ways healthcare email marketing can help you grow your practice below.

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8 Ways Healthcare Email Marketing Can Help You Grow Your Practice

1. Marketing automation addresses many of your biggest pain points.

Running a busy practice (and running it welltakes up an enormous amount of time. Yet, who wouldn’t want to make more money if possible? Marketing automation stretches your existing resources and organizes information automatically to free up time — thus improving lead generation, patient relationship management, and conversions.

Here are some of the problems marketing automation solves for bustling plastic surgery practices like yours:

  • – No consistent follow-up process for leads coming in through email
  • – No platform that consolidates lead information coming in from email, phone, social media, and web contact forms
  • – No healthcare email marketing plan that encourages reviews, referrals, up-sells, and patient satisfaction
  • – No insight into what marketing practices may be hurting or growing your practice

2. The benefits of adopting a marketing automation platform are too numerous to ignore.

If you want to be competitive and see a return on your online marketing expenditures, marketing automation is a must.

With patient management software and automated healthcare email marketing, you can boost productivity and grow your practice by:

  • – Attracting more patient leads to your database via web forms and targeted email campaigns
  • – Automating appointment reminders to simplify workflow and reduce scheduling inefficiencies
  • – Cutting down on repetitive, time-consuming tasks and product re-order reminders
  • – Nurturing leads with automatic answers to common questions to free up time for your front office staff
  • – Recouping losses by winning back lost patients and converting “dead” leads
  • – Increasing patient engagement with surveys, contests, testimonial requests, and membership clubs
  • – Receiving lead alerts when prospects are ready to buy to improve conversions and up-sells
  • – Creating a “five-star” patient experience by providing critical patient follow-up information during recovery
  • – Tracking online marketing success and receiving smart sales insights about core audience demographics

3. Automated healthcare email marketing offers some of the best ROI for plastic surgeons.

Email lead nurturing is one of the main reasons people use automated marketing. Despite all the social media marketing channels out there, nothing beats good healthcare email marketing when it comes to conversions, believe it or not! We love helping plastic surgeons create dynamic email campaigns that automate common interactions, but still retain a personal feel so leads and patients feel like you really understand and care about their concerns.

Some examples of automated email campaigns to consider in your practice include:

  • – Lead generation campaigns based on webpage visits and social media engagement
  • – Pre-op campaigns to remind patients about upcoming procedures, answer FAQs, and detail preparation information
  • – Post-op campaigns to educate patients on recovery expectations and add a personal touch to their recovery

4. Marketing automation helps increase leads.

We find that clients see returns on their investments within a month once marketing automation campaigns are established. They find they are achieving top Google rankings, creating better content, receiving more leads, and getting more value from their social media presence. In fact, we helped one Ohio plastic surgeon increase her number of high-quality leads by 335% within three months’ time.

Download our free case study to find out how we did it.

5. Converting leads into paying patients is easy when you focus on the right questions.

We always say the genesis of a good marketing automation strategy session begins with the question: How do we create and deliver value to our audience?

This audience can be past, present, or future customers. Part of the role of marketing automation is to separate these audiences and deliver the right content to the right people at the right time.

Patients you’ve already had in your office might need post-op instructions, whereas people who are curious about a particular procedure may need a Snapchat video delivered to their inboxes. The software you use for your healthcare email marketing will be able to categorize visitors based on where they’re clicking on your site, what they’re typing into search engines, where they’re going when they leave your site, and more.

The best way to convert leads into patients is to catch them with crucial pre-purchase information before they do business with a competitor. For example, if someone has been on your site reading blogs and watching videos about breast augmentation, you can reach out to that person with an appealing promotional offer for that procedure.

Another important question to ask is: What do you want people to do? Why are you sending out the communication? A successful automated campaign leads people down a logical path, whether it’s to learn more about your practice and the procedures you do, to stick with a post-operative regimen that ensures successful results, to schedule a consultation with your office staff, or to write reviews and refer friends. Make sure you have a goal in mind with all of your healthcare email marketing before you send it.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Converting leads into patients is easy if you focus on the right questions. #MarketingAutomation ” quote=”Converting leads into patients is easy when you focus on the right questions. ” theme=”style3″]

6. Marketing automation helps build your email list.

A great way to grow your email list and reach more prospective patients is to offer exclusive discounts to anyone who signs up through your website.

Visitors may lean towards your practice over another plastic surgeon if you have exclusive deals and discounts available readily on your site.

Take a look at how one of our clients, ROXY Plastic Surgery, uses this technique on their site:

plastic surgery email marketing

As with any lead generation technique, remember you want your CRM – customer relationship management – to focus on your ideal customer or buyer persona. Spend your time focusing on the people you have identified as ideal potential patients, and once you convert a lead into a patient, make sure your marketing automation continues to keep this person in your sales funnel.

This means taking a good look at your target audience and tailoring your lead generation strategies to attract a potential buyer who hopefully turns out to be a lifelong patient.

7. There are more than just one or two big players in the marketing automation industry.

HatchbuckHubspot, Marketo, VerticalResponse, and InfusionSoft are all big names in marketing automation. Aside from the more comprehensive all-in-one tools, there is specialized software that may be more affordable and easier to use, depending on your particular needs.

A common complaint we hear is that the complex pricing structures with these companies make it difficult to compare apples to apples and get the right solution. By working with a marketing agency like Mod Girl, you can rest easy knowing that you’re choosing the right tool with our guidance. Plus, since we specialize in the healthcare industry, we’re able to ensure you’re remaining compliant with HIPAA in all of your healthcare email marketing efforts.

8. Getting started with marketing automation is easier than you think.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could skip the learning curve and avoid the hassle of trying to figure out the best ways to incorporate new technology into your marketing strategy? By working with an agency like Mod Girl, you can do just that.

We know that you are busy running a successful plastic surgery practice and you need these tools running as quickly and smoothly as possible. My team and I help you grow your business quickly and efficiently through healthcare email marketing and other modern strategies. Contact me to learn how Mod Girl can help your practice.

Contact Mod Girl Healthcare Email Marketing


Updated December 13, 2018