time management for entrepreneurs

As digital marketers, we’ve been conditioned to believe that we HAVE to be active on every social media platform. But at the end of the day, that’s NOT what’s going to scale your business.

And when it comes to time management for entrepreneurs, social media can suck up a lot of your precious time – and it isn’t always worth it.

Entrepreneurs need to consider 2 things: 1) how much time are you currently spending on social media? and 2) are your social media efforts really helping you grow your business?

How to Market Your Digital Agency in Less Time

Check out the video snippet from one of our weekly Facebook Live training sessions in Remote Agency Society below:

Time Management for Entrepreneurs

There are countless entrepreneurs out there who are killing it – without ANY real social media presence.

And when you think about it, would you rather spend your time writing tweets and checking Facebook, or landing new clients for your business?

Effective time management for entrepreneurs is difficult to achieve, since we tend to be working on our business 24/7. But by eliminating or outsourcing unnecessary or low-priority tasks, we can begin to reclaim some of our time and have more freedom to spend time with our family and to do the things we love.

So you have an interesting choice:

  1. You could still maintain an active presence on as many platforms as possible.
  2. You could choose to focus on 1-2 platforms and delete the rest.
  3. You can decide to focus on 1-2 platforms and keep the rest, but automate the posts on the lower priority accounts.
  4. You could stop posting on social media altogether.

Successful entrepreneurs have gone with every one of these options, so there isn’t really a “right” choice.

But the most important thing?

No matter what, you need to have a strategic plan in place when it comes to social media.

You need to provide engaging content that will be valuable to your target audience, and you need to think about how to market your digital agency without spending all day on social media.

So what would you choose? 1, 2, 3, or 4?

Get More Clients for Your Marketing Agency

Now that you know what you shouldn’t be wasting time on, it’s time to focus on what will truly help you achieve your growth goals: landing new clients!

Get the exact proposal template I’ve used to land numerous $10k+ projects for free. Download your free Digital Marketing Audit & Strategy Proposal Template here!

time management for entrepreneurs proposal template