It’s easy to feel like you’re running around in circles when trying to market your small or medium-sized business. Having a comprehensive strategy that includes several different tasks can lead to the dramatic results you’ve been seeking. We’ve compiled 8 marketing ideas to help you get started on a bigger and bolder 2013…

8 Marketing Ideas For SMBs In 2013

1. Create A Video.

Have a professional shoot a video for you — perhaps a company commercial, a behind-the-scenes shoot, or a mini-documentary. Optimize it for search engines to improve your visibility and appeal to people who may be looking up keywords related to your business on YouTube, Google Video, or Vimeo.

  • Tip: Want to DIY? allows anyone to create professional slideshow videos free. 

2. Start Blogging.

Blogging is a great way to let the world know about your business and share your expertise with prospective customers. Incorporating Search Engine Optimization techniques into your posts will act as a magnet, drawing Google searchers to your website.

  • Tip: Make sure you know what your target market is searching for and base blogs around those keywords. You can use the Google Keyword Tool to get ideas. If you need help with keyword research, I’d be happy to assist! Email me here

3. Create A Professional Press Release.

Press releases are perfect to announce anything newsworthy about your business — whether it’s a new product or service, a new website, new employees, or an exciting promotion you’re running. This is a great method to attract the attention of journalists and mainstream media, especially if you are using industry-relevant keywords.

  • Tip: You can use the free press release services that I list in my free report, 8 Ways In 8 Days or you can use PRWeb, “the cadillac of the PR world,” and get 25% off your package. 

4. Start A Newsletter.

Repeat customers will earn you the most revenue. It’s much more cost-effective to retain a customer than to seek out a new one. Therefore, it makes sense that you would make an effort to sustain a relationship with buyers. A monthly newsletter is the perfect way to deliver value and keep people thinking about your brand.

  • Tip:You need an autoresponder service to send out your newsletter. I prefer Aweber, which you can try for just $1 this month. Click here to learn more!

5. Kick Off A Facebook Sweepstakes.

People love free giveaways! Consider what freebies you can offer to generate buzz about your business. For instance, if you are an accountant, you can offer 50% off tax return services during tax season.

6. Improve Your Social Profile.

The point of having a presence on different social networks is to connect with your customers however they prefer. Some people only use Facebook, while others may be exclusive to Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, or Pinterest.

  • Tip: It’s not good enough to simply create static profiles on these sites. You must monitor the conversation to ensure people are responded to in a timely manner and relatively happy. Social networks are a great opportunity to get your brand name out there, share content (like blogs), and captivate an audience. Here is a simple guide to social media for small businesses.

7. Start A Google Adwords PPC Campaign.

A Google PPC campaign will advertise your business at the very top of the search engine results for mere pennies per click. You need to bid on competitive keywords and make a minimum investment, but it’s one of the most cost-effective means of advertising on the internet.

  • Tip: Take advantage of Google’s functionality, which allows you to create and test multiple ads within a keyword group. You can try out different text to see which words yield the best click-through rate. If monitoring results / analytics is not currently part of your internet marketing, please contact me to discuss how I can drive noticeable results for your business.

8. Explore A Website Redesign.

There are several signs you may need a new web design. For instance, you may be getting a considerable amount of traffic, but fail to convert that traffic into sales. In fact, the average web user might only be on your page for mere seconds before bouncing away. Or you may not be getting much traffic at all. Some clients are just tired of their old image and yearn for a much-needed update.

  • Tip: To save money, consider a WordPress-based web design. You’ll be able to easily make alterations to your text and add blogs from multiple users with WordPress. We can make a WordPress website parallel your main site for a cohesive look if you’d like.

Click here for 93 more marketing ideas. Contact me to get these 8 suggested marketing ideas enacted ASAP!

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