Many changes have been taking place in the Google boardrooms. Here are 8 ways this has changed EVERYTHING…

1. Search is more personal.

Whether you’re reading an article in the New York Times or conducting a Google image search, you will notice that the search engine refers you to the content that your friends have liked, shared or posted recently, first and foremost. In a way, it can be kind of creepy because you are being watched whenever you’re logged into Google and you are being exposed to all of Google’s ads and social media network activity.

Tip: Spend time strengthening and broadening your social connections so you receive better search results.

2. Content is not enough. It must be high-quality content.

Google’s new SEO algorithm has really done a number on those black-hat sites that copied content or posted keyword-crammed text. Google used to be very secretive about how it awarded content points, but now they are much more transparent because they want websites to be top-notch, which makes their product ultimately better.

Tip: Keep an eye out for interviews with Google’s Matt Cutts and official step-by-step video tutorials.

Content creators can brand themselves

3. Content creators can now brand themselves too.

The new rel=author link allows content creators to brand themselves and improve search engine visibility. Whenever original content is published on Google+, it is ranked more favorably and given better exposure. Your content is also associated with you, personally, and linked to your Google+ profile.

Tip: Seek out high-authority creators to boost traffic to your website. Add the rel=author link to your blog.

4. Blog marketing is more important.

Social sharing is directly influencing how content shows up in search. Therefore, it’s important to share individual blog posts through these channels. Google+ likes content that is well-written, lengthier, packed with visual content, and keyword-optimized.

Tip: Ramp up your guest blogging efforts on high authority sites and add the rel=author link to provide value.

5. Go beyond posting your drab corporate announcements.

It’s easy to get caught up in your business and feel that everyone should see your latest announcement as the brilliant work of genius that it is. Unfortunately, people usually don’t want to share this type of content (unless, of course, you are Apple and announcing the latest gadget that no one has heard of before!)

Tip: Post infographics, news articles, quotes, memes, videos, further reading and invite questions.

6. Keywords are no longer the end-all be-all of a content writer’s existence.

At one time (not so long ago), writers were encouraged to insert a primary keyword into every paragraph. Yet, this approach could end up hurting you, going forward. Google may view your site as repetitive and lacking value.

Tip: Strive for diversity, variety and natural flow in blogs. Add secondary keywords. Keep in mind: “Less is best.”

7. Content marketing strategy matters.

It’s not just about putting out as many blogs as humanly possible and creating loads of new pages for your website anymore. Strategic thinking is rewarded by Google. It pays to know which directories are worth submitting to. Comment spam is a total waste of time. That blogger from Fiverr may not be good enough to deliver what you really need.

Tip: Spend some time deciding upon buzzworthy topics. Know where your audience hangs out & share there.

8. Paid search does not hold the same prominence it once did.

Google rolled out a new look for their search results this fall. They are showing fewer paid search ads at the top of the fold and in the side margins. That means there is less real estate for advertisers to capitalize on. This is not to say PPC is irrelevant. You can still get your name out there, but it certainly does change how we approach SEO.

Tip: Use branded and navigational keywords. Give less competitive, lower ad positions a second look.

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