b2b lead generation Mod Girl Marketing

With over 500 million active members on LinkedIn, the professional social network can be a gold mine for B2B lead generation that turns into sales.

The key to using LinkedIn to generate leads – without spending thousands of dollars on advertising – is to build a proven, repeatable process that attracts prospects and ultimately converts them.

Want to learn my top lead generation marketing strategies on LinkedIn that are currently generating multiple dream leads per DAY for myself and my clients?

Register for My Free, LIVE ‘5 – 8 Leads Per Day on LinkedIn’ Mod Masterclass!

b2b lead generation

When you register for my free Lead Generation Masterclass at the link above, I’ll send you my LinkedIn Profile Optimization Checklist that will show you how to 10x your prospects by making simple tweaks.

Many agencies struggle to find clients or end up working with clients who don’t fit their target market because they have so few leads. But with the right system in place, you can make sure your ideal clients find YOU.

For years, LinkedIn has allowed my agency, Mod Girl Marketing, to scale in the best way – by only working with our dream clients!

Through a lot of trial and error, I’ve learned the best LinkedIn lead generation methods that plain work – without requiring you to spend hours a day manually messaging 3rd-degree connections.

Follow the 10 steps of my B2B lead generation system below, and take your efforts to the next level by joining me live for my next Mod Masterclass.

10 Steps to 10X Your B2B Lead Generation Efforts with LinkedIn

1. Solidify Your Target Market

In order for these lead generation marketing strategies and a lead gen marketing business to work, you have to know which leads you’re going after.

If you haven’t already, create 1 – 3 buyer personas that represent your ideal clients. Be sure to include their age, gender, industry, location, interests, needs, and more – everything you need to know to target them effectively.

These buyer personas will direct everything else you do, from writing blog posts to crafting your LinkedIn profile summary.

If your ideal client is a busy mom, for example, mention that your product saves them time. If it’s a small business with a limited budget, talk about your low-cost service options. Make sure you’re highlighting how you can solve their specific problems so they turn to you for help – not your competitors.

2. Choose Keywords Relevant to Your Ideal Clients

Once you know who you’re trying to attract on LinkedIn, it’s time to find keywords to draw them in.

A big portion of LinkedIn lead generation depends on whether or not you show up in the first pages of your dream client’s search results. By including the specific terms they’re searching for – “social media consultant,” for example – throughout your profile, you’re more likely to show up.

Use tools like BuzzSumo, Google Adwords Keyword Planner, and Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords. Think about what your prospects are looking for when using LinkedIn’s search function and come up with a list of 5-10 to use in your profile.

3. Create a Killer LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile allows you to attract and land your ideal clients.

Utilize the keywords you found in step 2 throughout your profile – in your headline, job titles, skills, and more – to ensure that you show up in their searches.

Make it obvious for your potential clients to see how you can help them, mentioning their industry or job title in your headline, as I do below, and using specific examples and statistics in your experience. Add media throughout your profile to highlight your work and request recommendations from previous clients to add social proof.

By incorporating keywords throughout your profile, choosing the right photos, and highlighting your experience effectively, you can make it easy for new clients to find you.

using linkedin to generate leads Mod Girl Marketing

Learn how to 10x your prospects by making these simple profile tweaks

4. Create High-Quality Content – for Free

There’s a reason why people say content is king – it is an essential aspect of attracting prospects and generating quality leads.

If you are serious about generating an endless supply of quality leads for your business, then you need to get serious about your content marketing.

When you consistently produce quality, valuable content, you are building your authority as an industry thought leader, which in turn helps you attract high-paying dream clients.

Hint: Create content that your dream clients want to read!

When evaluating your content marketing strategy, it’s important to create something that solves your target audience’s problem.

One of the easiest ways to uncover your ideal customers’ pain points is by asking your current customers. You can conduct interviews or ask them to fill out surveys to uncover their biggest challenges. You can also look at industry blogs and monitor social media to uncover their most frequent questions, concerns, and complaints.

Once you’ve identified your ideal customer’s pain points, it’s time to start developing content. Create LinkedIn articles, blog posts, webinars, videos, social media posts, free downloads, and other pieces of content that answer their questions. That way, they’ll see you as an expert and turn to you next time they have a question, knowing you can provide a succinct and valuable answer.

5. Drive Your Audience Deeper: Focus on the CTA

It’s not enough to simply create great content. Whatever you create must include a compelling call to action so your prospects stay engaged with you and move along in your sales funnel.

How can you generate more leads through content marketing?

Tell people what to do – and make sure they want to do it!

If your content helps solve a problem for your ideal client, they will be much more willing to follow a CTA at the end.

For example, you could encourage your readers to opt-in to your email list to receive your latest how-to video on creating Facebook ads throughout your LinkedIn article on Facebook Analytics.

You could also ask them to comment on the article. Once they do so, their connections will see that they commented on your article in their News Feed, expanding your reach and attracting even more potential leads.

Regardless of what you want people to do, you MUST tell them! This is not the time to be vague. Use action words and short paragraphs to make sure your CTA – and the associated link, if applicable – stand out.

And don’t just tell them once, tell them multiple times!

A great call to action compels people to convert. When crafting your call to action, make sure it follows these 5 rules:

  • – Tell Them What to Do: Clearly explain to your prospects what you want them to do and where you want them to go. Make it easy for them to understand what action they should take.
  • – Be Concise: Limit your call to action to one full sentence.
  • – Include Benefits: Tell your audience what they’ll get or how they will benefit if they follow your CTA.
  • – Stress Urgency: Create urgency with words like “now,” “exclusive,” and “limited time.”
  • – Highlight Benefits: Bold or capitalize words like “free” or “sale” to drive demand further.

My #1 Tip for Using LinkedIn to Generate Leads….

6. Form New Connections through Targeted Searches

On LinkedIn, you can use the search feature to find and connect with people based on specific criteria.

You begin by searching for a keyword, such as a job title, and then use the advanced filters to refine your search. You can narrow down your results by company, location, college, industry, and more.

b2b lead generation Mod Girl Marketing

By filtering your search well, you can come up with a list of your ideal prospects and send them connection requests to begin building relationships, helping you find your ideal clients fast.

Want to work ONLY with dream clients? Then get personal!

7. Build Relationships for Quality Lead Generation

The key to connecting with prospects on LinkedIn is to personalize your messages. If you simply send them a generic or empty LinkedIn connection request, they might assume it’s spam and ignore your request, which doesn’t help your lead generation efforts.

Instead, find a unique way to personalize your invitations that will grab your ideal client’s attention.

For example, if you went to the same college or share an interest, you can mention it in your initial message to show that you looked at their account and aren’t sending the same message to hundreds of people. You can also ask them a question about something new in your industry to lead into an invitation to read your blog or sign up for a webinar, ensuring you don’t come off as too salesy or spammy.

Mandy McEwen b2b lead generation

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8. Warm-Up Your Leads By Offering Them Free Content

After you have broken the ice with your personalized invitation and your prospect accepts your connection request, you should follow-up with a free piece of content they would find valuable.

Your prospects likely receive a lot of sales pitches in their inboxes every day, and you don’t want to come across as just another piece of spam. One way to avoid this is by offering free advice, tips, or content that is aimed at solving their problems.

Take a quick look at their profile and website. Is there something there you can easily help them with? Have you written a blog that addresses a problem in their web design? Send them a message letting them know – they’ll likely be grateful and happy to keep talking!

9. Continue Helping Your Ideal Clients

At this point, you’ve already established a relationship with your ideal clients, showing that you can actually help them and aren’t just connecting to make a sale.

Develop your relationship further by thanking them when they comment on one of your posts or articles, replying when they send you a message, or reaching out when they have a life event such as a promotion or birthday.

And be proactive. If you write a new blog you think they’d enjoy, or if you see they received an impressive press mention recently, message them to share the blog or congratulate them.

Reach back out to targeted prospects 2 – 3 times per month and send them more valuable tips and content – but make sure it’s actually valuable to them. It’s important to provide real value before you ask for anything in return.

It may take some time to build trust and strengthen the relationship, but staying consistent with your high-quality content and personalized interactions will ultimately make them more likely to convert into clients.

10. Close the Lead

Now that your dream clients see you as someone who can help solve their problems, they’ll be more likely to reach out when they need one of your services.

If you already shared a few of your blog posts on web design with them, for example, they’ll think of you first next time they need a new site made.

You can also offer these services yourself once you’ve gained their trust and respect. If they need more marketing advice than you can offer in a few messages back and forth, let them know you do offer monthly consulting services as well, or recommend they check out your inbound marketing ebook.

If you take the time to nurture relationships with your ideal clients, they’ll be excited to work with you when they’re ready.

b2b lead generation

LinkedIn can be a gold mine of new leads for companies if you’re willing to follow these 10 steps and take the time to nurture relationships.

In my next Free, Live Mod Masterclass: How to Land 5 -8 New Leads Per Day Using LinkedIn, I’ll show you the exact system and tools I use to generate multiple leads every single day withOUT advertising.

And you don’t have to wait until the Masterclass to start generating leads on LinkedIn.

Once you claim your Masterclass spot here, I’ll send you my FREE LinkedIn Profile Optimization checklist that will show you how to make the simple profile tweaks that result in 10x the prospects!

When we first hosted this Masterclass, we received countless messages from people who implemented what we taught and began seeing new leads AND clients coming in within days. Including Matt:

Mandy McEwen how to generate leads on linkedin testimonial

and Jamie:

Testimonial using linkedin to generate leads

This is powerful stuff that is working right NOW and helping businesses across the globe scale faster than any other organic channel.

You do NOT want to miss this!