With so many reasons right now to focus on self-care and personal development, it’s hard not to dive into a new wellness or goal-oriented routine head first. We all know that self-care is beneficial and that our routines and daily habits can reinforce our success, but with so many options how do we know what kind of self-care routine will work for us? 

Luckily for any self-care newbies, there are three pillars you can rely on for guidance and helpful hand to set your routine. Let’s explore those below. 

1) Start Small

Sleep, diet, and exercise are the three keys to overall health however ensuring that you are keeping up with all three during this uncertain time can be difficult. Start small and pick one to prioritize to reinforce it as a new habit. Although healthy eating habits, getting the right amount of sleep, and exercising are all vital to a successful routine when you pick one area to prioritize the others will come more naturally.

2) Lean on Others 

Knowing when to reach out when you need help is key to self-care. If you’re feeling particularly disconnected from your closest friends, schedule a weekly recurring date in your calendar to touch base with them. 

3) Respect Yourself 

Respect yourself and realize you’re not superhuman. If you haven’t felt like your usual self during this quarantine, you might fall into the trap of being frustrated with your performance. Instead, take the opportunity to be kind and more patient with yourself. 

Now that you are armed with a framework to help you create a self-care routine that works, get some additional inspiration from self-care savvy stars who have publicly shared the power of nurturing their minds and bodies daily. To help you get started, the folks at Tommy John rounded up self-care tips from some of your favorite famous females and business moguls to show you that there isn’t a “right” way to practicing self-care, but what’s more important is finding something that works for you. Explore their visual below! 


Self-care like the stars infographicSource: Tommy John

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