Businesses have largely accepted the fact that social media sites are an integral part of an overall online marketing strategy. Anyone who tracks analytical data can see the impact that social media is having on lead generation, referral traffic and revenue. Here are 8 social media trends we’re expecting to take wing in 2014.   1. Google + gains social status. Google + may not have as much social media clout as Facebook and Twitter, but experts across the board are predicting a rise to fame in 2014. Google now requires YouTube users to have a Google+ account in order to comment. New changes to Google Hangouts and picture sharing features are likely to turn more heads in 2014. Recently, they announced that they have more than 300 million active monthly users. Brand ambassadors say they like the visual layout of Google +. Also, in case you haven’t noticed, Google tends […]

1. Content focuses on depth and detail. Once upon a time, 200-word posts updated several times a week were sufficient to achieve authority and page rank. Slowly but surely, 400 or 500-word posts became the new standard. While super informative, relevant short pieces will always hold some value, the trend is migrating toward super posts that are 1,000 to 2,000 words in length. In time, our site’s “Top 8” theme might have to grow to list the “Top 50” or “Top 100” ideas. With print media fading away, today’s internet reader has grown more comfortable with reading longer pieces online and they are looking for video, images and as much relevant, useful information as they can get. Image Source: Search Engine Land 2. Content is becoming more diverse. In addition to your standard blog entry, you will be expected to increase your content strategy to include infographics, videos, e-books and original images. […]