Owning a website is a bit like parenting: a lot of people are doing it, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy! Sure, you can have a website that’s holding your place online if people search your business name. But why settle for that, when you can have a website that is actively reaching out to new prospects and converting leads into sales, while you sleep? This is not the dreams of shysters and hucksters the world over… it’s a reality for people who are attuned to modern digital marketing tools designed to make life much, much easier. You’ve been doing it alone far too long. Let us lift some of the load off your plate with these 8 ways to convert your website into a profit-generating machine. 8 Marketing Tools to Convert Your Website into a Profit-Generating Machine  1. Snip.ly Snip.ly helps you increase conversions by social media content share optimization. Here’s how: – […]