While Google’s Matt Cutts enjoys an extended vacation, the SEO community is a flurry of activity, trying to keep up with the latest top-secret algorithm change: Google’s Pigeon update. For SEO clients, this could mean that top-ranked pages may fall by the wayside. It could mean that local search listings have suddenly dropped off Google Maps. (For instance, we heard that lawyers and real estate agents were particularly hit hard!) Just as Mod Girl Marketing has helped clients stay afloat during Google’s Penguin and Hummingbird updates, we’re here to address any concerns in light of the latest switcheroo. Here are a few of the major changes, as we see it. Tweet This: Top #8Ways Google’s Pigeon Algorithm Has Changed Local #SEO – via @mandymodgirl http://ctt.ec/089ef+   1. “Pack” results were hurt. A Google “7 Pack” refers to the highlighted Local listings (business name, address, phone number, website) displayed on […]

Search Engine Optimization is an interesting field. Certain elements are ever-changing — and yet, there are many methods that remain tested, tried and true throughout the decades. Of course it’s one thing to simply say “WRITE GOOD CONTENT” and quite another to actually implement that advice. A couple weeks back we offered 8 tips to starting a blog. In this post, we’ll try to give you some more specifics on what makes a quality blog post these days. If you’re still not 100% clear on it, then contact us about hiring one of our experienced SEO copywriters. 1. Write witty headlines geared toward people. In Olden Times, we believed that packing headlines with keywords was the top priority in attracting search engine attention. As a result, the internet ended up with horrible headlines like “How to Generate Leads With Facebook, Run Facebook Ad Campaigns, and Get More Likes on Facebook.” […]

It’s easy to get a social media page rolling, especially if you have the time and desire to give it your all. Yet, you’ll soon find that a pretty placeholder is not enough to achieve your business goals and make the investment worth your while. The true measure of social media success is what the experts call “engagement.” In other words: how many fans of your page are liking, commenting and sharing your social media content? The more people perform these activities, the more your brand will come up in their news feeds and the news feeds of their friends to extend your company’s reach. This is word-of-mouth advertising at its finest. We find this to be an ongoing challenge too — especially when you’re in a “dry” industry like insurance, parts manufacturing, finance or marketing where people may not be as excited about sharing your news as they would be on Starbucks’ page or […]

Businesses have largely accepted the fact that social media sites are an integral part of an overall online marketing strategy. Anyone who tracks analytical data can see the impact that social media is having on lead generation, referral traffic and revenue. Here are 8 social media trends we’re expecting to take wing in 2014.   1. Google + gains social status. Google + may not have as much social media clout as Facebook and Twitter, but experts across the board are predicting a rise to fame in 2014. Google now requires YouTube users to have a Google+ account in order to comment. New changes to Google Hangouts and picture sharing features are likely to turn more heads in 2014. Recently, they announced that they have more than 300 million active monthly users. Brand ambassadors say they like the visual layout of Google +. Also, in case you haven’t noticed, Google tends […]

1. Content focuses on depth and detail. Once upon a time, 200-word posts updated several times a week were sufficient to achieve authority and page rank. Slowly but surely, 400 or 500-word posts became the new standard. While super informative, relevant short pieces will always hold some value, the trend is migrating toward super posts that are 1,000 to 2,000 words in length. In time, our site’s “Top 8” theme might have to grow to list the “Top 50” or “Top 100” ideas. With print media fading away, today’s internet reader has grown more comfortable with reading longer pieces online and they are looking for video, images and as much relevant, useful information as they can get. Image Source: Search Engine Land 2. Content is becoming more diverse. In addition to your standard blog entry, you will be expected to increase your content strategy to include infographics, videos, e-books and original images. […]

Not every small business has a monolithic budget to work with. Yet, creating an attractive, user-friendly website is the equivalent of having a birth certificate — you simply MUST have one if you want to exist! For some businesses, the website will be a place for web searchers to find the store location, hours, and basic information. For others, it will be a way of capturing leads, converting sales, and maintaining an audience. No matter what stage of the game you’re at, be sure you aren’t making these top 8 web design mistakes! 1. Your website was not developed with “SEO” in mind.  Every good website begins with keyword research. There is no excuse for skipping this step with tools like the Google Keyword Tracker available for free! You want to find words and phrases related to what you do or sell that are low in competition, but high in […]

It’s easy to feel like you’re running around in circles when trying to market your small or medium-sized business. Having a comprehensive strategy that includes several different tasks can lead to the dramatic results you’ve been seeking. We’ve compiled 8 marketing ideas to help you get started on a bigger and bolder 2013… 1. Create A Video. Have a professional shoot a video for you — perhaps a company commercial, a behind-the-scenes shoot, or a mini-documentary. Optimize it for search engines to improve your visibility and appeal to people who may be looking up keywords related to your business on YouTube, Google Video, or Vimeo. Tip: Want to DIY? Animoto.com allows anyone to create professional slideshow videos free.  2. Start Blogging. Blogging is a great way to let the world know about your business and share your expertise with prospective customers. Incorporating Search Engine Optimization techniques into your posts will act as […]

On Tuesday morning, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that “Graph Search” is coming to the site. Here’s what you need to know… 1. Graph Search Will Make It Easier To Find Information. Graph Search lets you search through your friends’ photos, page likes, interests, check-ins, and activities. For instance, you might type in “Friends who like biking” to get a list of everyone who has marked that as a hobby on their profiles. Or you might type in “Pictures of friends in Germany” to see who has been to the country on vacation. Need a recommendation? Just type in a search query like “TV shows my friends like.” 2. Facebook Is Becoming More Competitive. Much like the online dating sites, you can now search something like “friends of friends who are single and like indie rock music.” Like LinkedIn, you can search for “friends of friends who work at Goldman Sachs.” […]

Many changes have been taking place in the Google boardrooms. Here are 8 ways this has changed EVERYTHING… 1. Search is more personal. Whether you’re reading an article in the New York Times or conducting a Google image search, you will notice that the search engine refers you to the content that your friends have liked, shared or posted recently, first and foremost. In a way, it can be kind of creepy because you are being watched whenever you’re logged into Google and you are being exposed to all of Google’s ads and social media network activity. Tip: Spend time strengthening and broadening your social connections so you receive better search results. 2. Content is not enough. It must be high-quality content. Google’s new SEO algorithm has really done a number on those black-hat sites that copied content or posted keyword-crammed text. Google used to be very secretive about how […]